The You and Me group’s theme was communication. Through discussion and a series of creative activities we decided we wanted to improve the care plan experience. It was important to us to explore ways to build trust and create better relationships within the care plan journey.
template - a form, used as a guide to make something
prototyped - to test something for the first time
artificial intelligence - the science of trying to make machines ‘think’ like people
tailored to - to make something to fit particular needs
The group worked with designer Adam Mallett to make two fun, accessible card games. They are designed to help healthcare staff and the people they support to get to know each other.
The cards are double sided. ‘You and Me’ is a pointing game and ‘Palentine’ is a talking game.
The group also created a ‘You and Me’ letter template, to help people learn more about each other, beyond someone’s job role and someone’s support needs.
We hope that these tools can help create a more relaxed and comfortable care plan experience.
The group also felt frustrated by the many difficult words (jargon) that surround their health and care experiences. Working with the partner team from the Creative Computing Institute at University of the Arts London, we prototyped a ‘jargon buster’ app that used artifical intelligence to offer different ways of explaining jargon in ways that are clear, accessible and tailored to individual ways of communication and learning.
Want to use the You and Me letter template or try out the card games?
Get in touch
Artwork by Samir